Episode 35

Ep35. ASA Behind the Scenes with Ms Rhian Foster

I chat with one of our newer staff members, Rhian Foster, Events and Membership Coordinator about some of the educational resources and events hosted by the ASA.

ASA Education Resources: https://asa.org.au/asaeducation

ASA Events List: https://asa.org.au/events

ASA National Scientific Congress: https://asansc.com.au/

If you're keen to access the full range of ASA Educational resources and events then please apply to become a member: https://asa.org.au/types-of-membership/how-to-join

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Australian Anaesthesia
Join the Australian Society of Anaesthetists as we chat with experts and friends about issues that impact Australian anaesthesia. Send your ideas and feedback to podcast@asa.org.au

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