Episode 33
Substance use disorder: A personal perspective with Dr Colin Baird
I chat with Dr Colin Baird about his first hand account of being an anaesthetist with substance use disorder. He authored an excellent review article and shares further details in Anaesthesia & Intensive Care:
Further resources:
Australian & New Zealand Doctors in Recovery: https://www.idaa.org/sites/adr/
Sick Doctors Trust: http://sick-doctors-trust.co.uk/
British Doctors and Dentists Group: http://www.bddg.org/
Association of Anaesthetists Wellbeing & Support: https://anaesthetists.org/Home/Wellbeing-support
International Doctors in Recovery: https://www.idaa.org/
ASA members can confidentially access the Benevolent Fund via support@asa.org.au
For another first hand account of an anaesthetist with substance use disorder: https://www.drugstories.org/stories/dr-faye-jamali