Episode 67
Ep67. The Podcast Navigation Guide
Welcome to 2023 and the fourth year of our podcast!
In this episode I talk through ways to get the most out of your listening experience and how to access ASA member-only podcasts. I've also created a few playlists of podcasts which a specially curated for your stage of career or special interest and I describe where these can be found.
ASA website: https://asa.org.au/
Publicly available podcasts: https://asa.org.au/podcasts (from EP 17 onwards)
ASA Member-only podcasts: https://asa.org.au/podcasts
ASA Ed: https://asa.org.au/asaeducation
Podcasts for PMET doctors: https://asa.org.au/asaeducation/pmet-resources
Podcasts for trainees: https://asa.org.au/asaeducation/trainee-resources
Podcasts for New Fellows: https://asa.org.au/asaeducation/new-fellow-resources
Talking Money Podcast: https://asa.org.au/podcasts/talking-money
Publicly available Special Interest Group (SIG) playlists:
Wellbeing: https://www.acecc.org.au/page.aspx?A=2428
Leadership & Management: https://www.acecc.org.au/page.aspx?A=2468
If you are setting out on your podcasting journey and would like to access a podcast on some tips I share about creating a podcast, then please email me via podcast@asa.org.au so I can let you know when it is ready.